Shearwater Catamaran
National Shearwater Class Owners Association
Home of the First Racing Catamaran Class

Shearwater Catamaran 2008 Results
Shearwater Open Meeting at Stone Sailing Club
by Jack Tindale, June 21-22 2008
The third Shearwater open meeting of the season saw 13 Shearwaters attend Stone Sailing Club on June 21-22 2008.
The Shearwaters always look forward to the Stone TT, where the hospitality is great and the showers are even better. The majority of competitors arrived on the Friday allowing for some much needed time devoted to the bar . Shawn Allen could not handle his Magners and awoke the following morning with a sore head.
Racing was scheduled for a 12.30 start on Saturday with three races being planned back to back. Race 1 started under a gentle and fairly fluky breeze. The fleet were away cleanly first time and by the windward mark it was Geoff and Amy Tindale sailing 'Think Pink' who had a slight lead. After rounding the mark, however, 'Think Pink' decided they wanted to picnic at Bradwell, forgetting about the wing mark and leading half of the pack down there to join them. I must admit it was a lovely day for it but it caused much confusion for the fleet and the committee boat. It was Nigel and Sarah Stuart sailing 'Sim Sek' who were the first to notice the error and perused the correct course to the wing mark followed by Catherine Howland and Hugo Bull on 'Cajensa' and Richard Hamblin and Jack Tindale on 'China Crisis'. After the first lap, Sim Sek led from Cajensa and Think Pink, having aborted their earlier picnic plans, sailed back to third place. On the final beat Think Pink were hunting Sim Sek down who had lead for the majority of the race and overhauled them just before the finish. Think Pink took the win followed by Sim Sek and then China Crisis.
By the second race the breeze had started to fill in but the challenging sailing conditions remained with the wind swinging about. Alan Howland and Jenny Allen on 'Alley Cat' rounded the windward mark first followed by Think Pink. The next places were hotly contested with China Crisis, Derek and Grace Williams on 'UFO' and Cajensa battling. A major wind shift during the first beat meant that the race committee changed the windward mark and did a good job in doing so as it caused minimal confusing. The top two places stayed the same until the final downwind leg where 'Think Pink managed to sail under Alley Cat and round the leeward mark in pole position. The final results saw Think Pink in first place with Alley Cat in second and China Crisis in third.
The final race of the day was probably sailed in the highest wind of the day. UFO were over the line but sailed a fantastic first beat to arrive at the windward mark in the top three . Think Pink had the lead and the young pairing of Murray Greenhill and Chris Masters on 'Sheargold' were in the mixer. Think Pink always looked in control of the race and managed to keep ahead of the pack. Second to sixth place was very hotly contested by UFO, Sheargold, Cajensa, Alley Cat and Dion and Anna Allen sailing 'Take 5' . There was a lot of place changing in this pack who saw some great racing. Sheargold sailed fantastically well and showed some good boat speed as well as keeping their cool in some tricky and testing conditions to take a well deserved second place. Alley Cat just managed to overhaul Cajensa about a foot from the line and Take Five rounded up the top five.
Saturday night saw a fantastic meal served by the Galley followed by a live band who must have been good because the famous Richie 'twitchy' Hamblin was having a jive. A mention should also go to Roger Crooks who was cutting some interesting, strongbow fuelled, shapes on the dance floor (no you can't have another strongbow Roger).
Sunday morning arrived with at least one sore head (I can't comment for sure about anyone else's) and a lot of breeze. Unfortunately the breeze proved to be too strong and all racing was cancelled. This wasn't good enough for Nigel and Shaun who decided to go out and have a blast. Spectators on the beach were guessing ten minutes before they capsized, but I think they might have actually lasted a little longer and fair play to them, as they came back in one piece.
Overall Results:
1st Geoff and Amy Tindale 3pts
2nd Alan Howland and Jenny Howland 9pts
3rd Richard Hamblin and Jack Tindale 13pts
4th Catherine Howland and Hugo Bull 14pts
5th Dion and Anna Allen 15pts
I would like to thank my Personal Assistant/mother, Jan Tindale, for her work with organising the event. Without her, I would have been in trouble. I would also like to thank Judy Ross for her constant reminder about the tie downs, they are coming soon Judy! Finally, I would like to thank everyone at Stone Sailing Club including Wendy Robinson (race officer) for a great weekend.
Shearwater Open Meeting at Hastings and St. Leonard's Sailing Club
by Shaun Allen, July 19th-20th, 2008
The fourth event in the 2008 Shearwater Catamaran Travellers Trophy series, was held at Hastings and St.Leonards Sailing Club, over the weekend of 19th-20th July. The first race on Saturday was postponed due to average wind speeds in excess of 25 knots from the South West with an equally impressive sea state in the bay.
Racing finally got under way with only three boats electing to leave the relative safety of the beach, "Sheregold" - Murray Greenhill and Chris' Masters, "Simsek" - Nigel and Sarah Stuart, and Foreigner - Greg' Wilcox and Shaun Allen. The latter were the only boat to finish, revelling in the challenging conditions, and delighting all with a display of wave-riding on their return to the beach. Such was the wind strength that all racing was abandoned for the rest of the day.
Sunday brought some moderation in wind strength, 15-20 knots, and a change of direction. Specifically a North Westerly, which made for a flatter sea. All boats made the start line, with Simsek establishing an early and commanding lead. Leading the pack was Alley Cat - Alan Howland and Jenny Allen, followed by Take5 - Dion and Anna Allen, and Sheregold. Simsek's lead was greatly eroded on the windward leg by Alley Cat, who eventually took the Gun.
The second race of the day was saw Foreigner first away, but quickly overhauled on the first reach by Ruby - Roger and Bonnie Crooks, and Take5. These two maintained the lead until the second beat, constantly challenged by Sheregold, Foreigner and Cajensa Sans Fin - Catherine Howland and Alex King. Alley Cat worked up the beat inshore and overhauled all to secure the lead and eventually the gun.
After a short respite for lunch ashore, racing commenced with once again Foreigner quickly away from the Line. Alley Cat starting last, having overstepped the line. Sheregold, Take5 and Ruby challenged for the lead, with Foreigner and Simsek sailing in close company behind. Alley Cat, despite an inauspicious start, worked quickly through the ranks to take the lead by the penultimate lap. Going into the final downwind leg, only Foreigner and Simsek challenged Alley Cat, the latter eventually taking the gun.
Another excellent weekend, both on and off the water. The après-sailing was particularly lively, Hastings and St. Leonard's displaying as always their legendary hospitality.
1st - 2006 - Alley Cat - Alan Howland and Jenny Allen
2nd - 1988 - Foreigner - Greg Wilcox and Shaun Allen
3rd - 2005 - Take5 - Dion and Anna Allen
4th - 2008 - Sheregold - Murray Greenhill and Chris Masters
5th - 1996 - Ruby - Roger and Bonnie Crooks
6th - 2007 - Simsek - Nigel and Sarah Stuart
7th - 1976 - Cajensa - Catherine Howland and Alex King