Shearwater Catamaran
National Shearwater Class Owners Association
Home of the First Racing Catamaran Class

Shearwater Catamaran 2010 Results
Shearwater National Championships at Newhaven & Seaford Sailing Club
by Shaun Allen 15 to 20 August 2010
The 54th annual National Championships for the Shearwater Catamaran Class took place at Newhaven and Seaford Sailing Club from 15th-20th August. Sixteen boats and crew, with accompanying families attended the week long 8 race Championship series, which began with a practice race on Sunday 15th. This being was won by Class Chairman Nigel and Sarah Stuart, on Simsek, having established a commanding lead by the second beat.
The competition proper began with Race 1 at 11.05 hours on the Monday, with a fresh south westerly, and choppy conditions from the start. Shaun Allen and Claire Robinson on Carbon Foot Print were first to the windward mark, and maintained their position despite constant challenges from Derek and Grace Williams on UFO, and Ben Farnborough and Louise Curry on Genesis. This order remained until the final gun, with Greg and Alex Wilcox on Foreigner, and Simsek leading the pack home.
After a short recess ashore for refreshments Race 2 was conducted in increased wind speed and seas. Genesis and Carbon Foot Print relishing in the conditions, breaking from the pack by the end of the second reach. UFO and Alan Howland and Rob Britton on Alley Cat leading the battle for the minor places. Carbon Foot Print took the lead on the second beat, and defended the position until the final gun.
Monday night brought Champaign Cocktails, followed by a variety of Party Games. The Games are a firm favourite with all, particular the younger members who enjoy the competition, and the Champaign affected performance of the adults. Much hilarity was experienced by all, as well as the tremendous hospitality of the Newhaven and Seaford members. All of whom became firmly entrenched in the week long Social programme.
Tuesday morning brought Race 3, a brisk south westerly and significant swell. Much excitement was experienced launching through the surf. But the ever present shore crew, lead by Clive Farnborough, always ensured that all launched and returned safely. Foreigner lead the pack from the line with Alley Cat and Genesis in close company. Carbon Footprint had closed by the first reach, revelling in the surfing conditions. By the second beat Gensis, Foreigner and Carbon Footprint were beginning to break from the pack. Carbon Footprint was forced to retire with a broken jib halyard before the windward mark. Genesis defended their lead from Foreigner, while Alley Cat lead the pack to the final gun. As the wind began to gust in excess of 25 knots consistently, the Race Officer Garry Philips, sensibly decided to postpone Race 4 for the day.
Tuesday evening brought a Fish and Chip Supper, courtesy of a “Chip Van” that had travelled especially from Surrey. Admittedly a land locked county, the quality of the food, and the news paper it was wrapped in, was second to none. The latter part of the evening was taken up with amusing songs and tall stories in the comfort of the Club House lounge. The latter affording a pleasant vista, occasionally broken by a passing ferry arriving or departing the nearby Port of Newhaven.
Race 5 began as scheduled on the Wednesday morning. The previous days south westerly having backed and reduced to a fresh breeze. The fleet remained tightly packed to the windward mark, Simsek being first around followed closely by UFO, Carbon Footprint and Genesis. The remainder of the Fleet being lead by Barry Duck and John Wiseman on New Flame, Dion and Anna Allen on Take5, and Roger and Bonnie Crooks on Ruby. By the third beat Carbon Footprint had established a narrow lead over Genesis, with Ruby leading the pack. This order remaining until the final gun.
After a short break for lunch, Race 6 commenced with a steady Force 3 from the south, and bright sunshine. Despite a poor start, Carbon Footprint took advantage of tide and a clear air, to reach the windward mark first, and continue to develop a commanding lead through out the race. Genesis defending second position against Simsek, Alley Cat and Foreigner, to finish in that order, with New Flame leading the pack home.
Wednesday evening was Fancy Dress night, “London Underground Stations” being the theme. Angels, Elephants, Castles, Cockerels, Australian Larger and tennis balls were all in abundance. With one or two of the taller crews confirming their reputation as Barking! The added refinement to the party was a professional Line Dance teacher, who managed to get the entire fleet to co-ordinate their footsteps, and Shimmy with the best in Nashville.
Thursday morning, brought the postponed Race 4 and now reliable south westerly Force 3, with moderate seas as a consequence of an overnight storm. A Port biased to the Line encouraged some daring starts from Murray Greehhill and Joe Hill on Dilligaf, Simsek and Genesis. The latter taking advantage of such to reach the winward mark first. Closely followed by the starboard starters lead by Carbon Footprint, Ruby and Take5 and Alley Cat. Genesis defended their lead throughout, to take the gun, closely followed by the pack lead by Carbon Footprint.
Race 7 followed in the constant weather conditions. Simsek, Foreigner and New Flame leading the Fleet to the windward mark. Ruby, Genesis and Carbon Footprints staying out to sea on the second beat, and pulling away of the subsequent downwind leg. Carbon Footprint taking particular advantage of three sail down wind surfing, to take the lead. Defending such to eventually take the gun.
Thursday night was taken up by the Class AGM, the election of officers, and the various details involved in maintaining the Class, and meeting the needs of its members. Greater emphasis being placed on Catamaran Opens for 2011 TT series, in support of our fellow multi-hull sailors, and the promotion of Catamaran Sailing as a an exciting and rewarding family activity.
The concluding Race 8 of the Championship began at 11.05 on the Friday, in a light Force 2, and the smoothest sea state experienced all week. Despite having already won the competition by virtue of 5 bullets in the previous races, Carbon Footprint soon broke the pack on the upwind leg, chasing Rob Hamilton and Tayla Playford on China Crisis around the windward mark. Eventually taking the lead when turning inside the first wing mark. Despite repeated challenges from Ruby, Simsek and Genesis, Carbon Footprint maintained a commanding lead to the final gun.
Congratulations to Shaun Allen and Claire Robinson on Carbon Footprint on winning the 54th Shearwater National Championships. They displayed consistent performance, despite extremely close competition throughout the Fleet. Particular thanks must go to Rupert Smith, Commodore of Newhaven and Seaford S.C, for exceptional hospitality, and the provision of superb facilities, not least an excellent and lively Prize Giving Supper on the Friday night.
Overall Results:
1st - Carbon Footprint - 1999 - Shaun Allen & Clare Robinson
2nd - Genesis - 1990 - Ben Farnborough & Louise Curry
3rd - Sim Sek - 2007 - Nigel Stewart & Sarah Stewart
4th - UFO - 2004 - Derek Williams & Grace Williams
5th - Ruby - 1996 - Roger Crooks & Bonnie Lloyd
6th - Alley Cat - 2006 - Allen Howland & Rob Britton
7th - Foreigner - 1988 - Alex Wilcox & Greg Wilcox
8th - Dilligaf - 2003 - Murry Greenhill & Joe Hill
9th - New Flame - 2000 - Barry Duck & John Wiseman
10th - Take Five - 2005 - Dion Allen & Anna Allen
11th - Shear Flamboyance - 2008 - Catherine Howland & Darren Tulley
12th - Frantic - 1986 - Peter Charrod & Richard Playford
13th - Orwell - 1984 - Richard Hill & Gary Hill
14th - China Crisis - 2002 - Rob Hamilton & Tayla Playford
15th - Space Odyssy - 2001 - John Hill & Clifford Hill
16th - Caned & Unable - 1987 - Matthew Wiseman & Jade Woollett
Shearwater TT at Stone Sailing Club
by Shaun Allen 9/10 Oct 2010
14 boats attended the last TT event of the 2010 season, at Stone SC over the weekend of 9th-10th October. Saturday’s Racing began in fresh Easterly breeze and rising tide. Shaun Allen and Claire Robinson on Carbon Footprint established an early and unassailable lead, with the battle being for the minor places. Jack Tindale and Hugo Bull on Take5 leading the pack home.
Race 2 commenced in increasing wind strength, Take 5 being first away from the line, closely followed by Alan Howland and Rob Britton on Alley Cat, and Derek Williams and Grace Williams on Take5. The following pack being led by Carbon Footprint, who exploiting the tide made big gains on the first down wind leg, and established a commanding lead to take the gun.
Race 3 followed in similar conditions. Carbon Footprint repeating their first race performance, establishing a commanding lead by the second beat. The competition for the minor places being won by Alley Cat over Take5, UFO, and Roger Crooks and Anna Allen on Ruby. Nick Elliot and Kerry Elliot on Cajensa leading the pack home.
Sunday brought Race 4, a steady Easterley, Spring Tides and sunshine. Take5 was first away, with Alley Cat, UFO and Carbon Footprint in close company. Barry Duck and John Wiseman on New Flame leading the pack. By the second beat Take5 was caught by the shallows in St.Lawrence Bay, allowing Carbon Footprint to take the lead, challenged by UFO and Alley Cat. Carbon Footprint defending their position to the final gun.
Race 5 was the final race of the competition, Carbon Footprint and Cajensa being first off the line. UFO, Take5 and New Flame vying to lead the pack. Carbon Footprint and UFO breaking away by the second beat, remaining in close company, and competing aggressively for the lead. Despite several changes between the two, Carbon Footprint managed to secure the win. Cajensa and New Flame leading the pack home.
The legendry hospitality of Stone S.C. did not disappoint. The organisation both on and off the water being superb. An excellent weekends sailing, with near perfect conditions, allowing all to end the season on a high note.
Overall Results:
1st - 1999 - S. ALLEN & C. ROBINSON
2nd - 2005 - J. TINDALE & H. BULL
3rd - 2006 - A. HOWLAND & R. BRITTON
4th - 2004 - D. WILLIAMS & G. WILLIAMS
5th - 1976 - N. ELLIOT & K. ELLIOT
6th - 2000 - B. DUCK & J. WISEMAN
7th - 1987 - M. WISEMAN & L. WISEMAN
8th - 1996 - R. CROOKS & A. ALLEN
9th - 2001 - J. HILL & J. HILL
10th - 1986 - P. SHAROD & R.PLAYFORD
11th - 1985 - J. ROSS & S. SANDLE
12th - 2008 - C. HOWLAND & D.TULLY
13th - 2003 - M. GREENHILL & M. GREENHILL
14th - 2002 - R. HAMILTON & T. PLAYFORD