Shearwater Catamaran
National Shearwater Class Owners Association
Home of the First Racing Catamaran Class

Sheartwater Catamaran 2015 Results
Weston Sailing Club Cat Open & Shearwater TT
The 26th and 27th of September was sadly the last TT weekend for the Shearwater fleet for 2015 and the end of our 59th year competing on the catamaran circuit!
The Clubs event management was second to none both on and off the water. The event was extremely well attended with over 70 catamarans both modern and new, large and small. The Safety crew and Race management had many factors hampering there decision making taking in to account racing in such a busy stretch of water in extremely challenging light conditions with the tide making its mark but all boats left and arrived back to shore safely with no collisions and ready for the bar! Thank you from all of us at Shearwater Fleet!
The forecast for the weekend was extremely light even for the light wind lovers amongst our fleet. Saturdays racing was announced that three back to back races would take place, with a potential of a fourth, be on that start line for a prompt 1000 start and everyone off the water for 1400. On a normal south coast day this request would have been easily delivered. On this particular day it was a struggle. After the course being relayed a number of times unsuccessfully one race was carried out for Saturday and at end of the race the fleet, under instruction, headed back to Weston Sailing Club.
Saturday night saw Weston, considering the huge turn out, put on a fantastic evening for the catamaran Open. A BBQ kicked off the evenings entertainment and then after the Rugby (result and play will not be discussed here – but needless to say congratulations to the Welsh), a live band played finishing the evening off on a high!
For Sunday the forecast was slightly better but still not the strong winds we all had would of liked for the last race of the 2015 TT season. None the less the numbers on the course along with the wind and tide posed some fantastic opportunities to demonstrate tactical sailing with some real head scratching moments. The windward leg was never the same and this did throw some interesting rolls of the dice, headers and lifts were rife across the course! The racing and positioning within the Shearwater fleet was tight and again all members of the fleet really had to fight hard to gain and maintain positions!
Sunday though was a fantastic day for Caned and Unable. Matt Wiseman and Laura Pike, Helm and Crew, always make there presence felt on the race course but this time they lead the way on the last two races of the day and crossed the finish line successfully in first each time.
The end top three results for the weekend were as follows; 3rd position were James and Kate Gibbons on So Tango, 2nd position Matt Wiseman and Laura Pike on Caned and Unable, 1st position Nigel and Sarah Stuart on CROWNS.
Thank-you again Weston Sailing Club from the Shearwater Fleet and that thank-you for a fantastically well organised and run event. We look forward to an opportunity to darken your doorstep again in the not so distant future!
Also a big thank-you to the other catamaran fleets that took part in the open. Having that many different Catamaran fleets in one place is not just visually stunning but also a firm reminder of the strong following and enjoyment the catamaran family generates of which the Shearwater fleet is proud to be part of!
59th National Championships at Stone Sailing Club
STOP PRESS: Shearwater Fleet are proud to announce the new Shearwater National Champions for 2015.
Huge congratulations to Shaun Allen and Holly Parker on Carbon Footprint on their successful campaign. Also congratulations to Holly Parker on her 1st place position on Carbon Footprint in the Crews race!
Thank you to Stone Sailing Club for hosting the Shearwater Nationals 2015. As always we were spoilt by efficiently run races and warm welcomes on shore. Thank you to all members and volunteers who looked after us on and off the water!
The Shearwaters took to the water with an amazing turn out of 19 boats and over 4 days took part in 10 races.
The 4 days witnessed fantastic sailing from all Shearwaters. The weather and tides allowed a plethora of opportunities for the fleet to enjoy tactically challenging battles through out.
The final top three is as follows:
3rd place Ben Farnborough and Jenny Allen on Genesis. 2nd place Nigel and Sarah Stuart on CROWNS. 1st place Shaun Allen and Holly Parker on Carbon Footprint.
Thank you also to the Fleet sponsors Sharp's Brewery, Doom Bar, and Harken for their ongoing support!
Pagham Yacht Club TT 11th/12th July
A huge thank you to all for making us again feel so welcome at Pagham Yacht Club. Such a friendly venue from the minute you walk over the threshold. As always Pagham ran a very well organised weekend with every detail accounted for kicking off with an A5 leaflet complete with all information for the weekend, handed out on arrival.
With many of the boats having to travel such a long distance the journey is made worth it with the warm welcome presented by the club and it's members of Pagham Yacht Club.
Thank you to all the event team and members on the shore for keeping the event fed and watered through out the weekend from early doors with breakfast right through to a perfect evening meal. Galley you were right Lasagne was the perfect decision.
Also thank you to the Race team for running some slick and efficient racing for us to really push the Shearwaters in the fourth TT of 2015.
Both days presented really taxing conditions for all boats that ventured out on the water this weekend. Paired with perfect flat water conditions and the 30 knot gusts the fleet saw helms and crews practising that ever present Shearwater team player attitude when presented with challenging sailing conditions.
On the Saturday eleven boats went out on to the water for the first three races. With the conditions building boats began to be tested and for the unfortunate few boat failures at various levels. With the majority of the fleet finishing the days racing the results were as follows Carbon Footprint in 1st place with Shaun Allen and Holly Parker, Alley Cat in 2nd place with Alan Howland and Rob Britton and in 3rd place Sim Sek with Greg Wilcox and William Stuart.
On the Sunday the weather forecast presented the same conditions as the previous day and the decision was made to race again. Five boats ventured out for the final three races of the weekend. Again the flat conditions and building wind presented the fleet with Champagne conditions to do battle. With some close racing the final results were cast for the weekend.
Overall results for the weekend saw Shear Flamboyance with Nigel Stuart and Chloe Stuart in 3rd place, Sim Sek with Greg Wilcox and William Stuart in 2nd and Carbon Footprint with Shaun Allen and Holly Parker in 1st place.
Thanks again to Pagham Yacht Club for hosting the Shearwaters this weekend looking forward to catching up with you all again.
Sheppey TT 6th/7th June
As always to start with a huge thank you again to our hosts this weekend at the Isle of Sheppy Sailing Club. Yet another amazing event this weekend for the Shearwater TT calendar.
For the Shearwater Fleet the sailing is of huge importance to us but we also come with an entourage of support that reside on shore that are equally as important to us. For looking after our beach crew during the day, and all of us at the start and the end of day, thank you to all the front of house staff manning the galley the bar and keeping the changing rooms mopped and clear.
Thanks to those volunteers who appeared to be at the club manning the galley from the early hours for breakfast and then taking up residence behind the bar well in to the night.
So if you weren't there what did you miss on the sailing front? The brief on Saturday promised Champagne sailing and champagne sailing was delivered by the crate full!
Race management teams always have a tough job making sure that the racing is well organised and slick in challenging wind conditions and directions. This weekend with well delivered briefs and efficiently run water based management I'm sure the whole fleet can agree you delivered!
The location allowed the sea state to be nice and flat and tailored with the strong south westerly wind the stage was perfectly set.
With slick starts the fleet battled from the outset. Flat windy conditions allowed for a golden opportunity for the boats to be tamed allowing the helms ample time to plan battle winning tactics to navigate expertly round the course.
Come Sunday the start of the day set a different stage. Presented to the fleet was a perfect day for the shore crew. Blue skies and no breeze to contend with. Postponement was a welcomed call.
Come midday a breeze picked up from the east and with the course reset the Shearwaters were back on the water.
Battle commenced again with some interesting challenges and outcomes.
Sunday 7th of June will be a day that the younger generations of the fleet should remember as the day they challenged, and in some cases successfully, there parents for positions on the water.
Zac Elliot and William Stuart crewing on Dilligaf and Simsek with Murray Greenhill and Robbie John helming respectively lead a strong challenge against there parents boats Cajensa and CROWNS keeping them well and truly on there toes through out the racing day.
I bet Zac Elliot wished he had shaken on a bet with his Dad and Mum Nick Elliot and Kerry Elliot, Cajensa, before taking to the water this weekend.
So with the racing done and the boats packed away the results were as follows. In 3rd place Alley Cat helmed by Alan Howland and crewed by Rob Britton, 2nd place CROWNS helmed by Nigel Stuart and crewed by Sarah Stuart and in 1st Place Carbon Footprint helmed by Shaun Allen and crewed by Holly Parker.
Thank you again Isle of Sheppy Sailing Club for hosting the Shearwater TT weekend. A new fixture for this year's sailing and hopefully not the last in the future.
Minnis Bay TT 16th/17th May
A huge thank you to all the volunteers and club staff that made our weekend special. The list is endless of everyone at the club we could mention but as a fleet I think we can all agree special mention has to go to the very patient sailing member who ran the bar on Saturday night. Single handily managing not one but two extravert fleets at a bar while various toxic alcoholic beverages were consumed and crazy leg dancing took place. Special thank you to you and anyone else who braved the bar for us that evening!
So if you weren't there what did you miss?
Another weekend of nail biting racing!
Saturday saw a blustery start that gave the fleet a chance to lift a hull and twin wire and as the day went on offered the light wind preferring boats of the fleet a chance to use their tactical prowess.
Twelve Shearwaters launched with two boats making their first appearance this season. DILLIGAF helmed by Murray Greenhill and crewed by Zac Elliot and CROWNS helmed by Nigel Stuart and crewed by Sarah Stuart.
The first day boasted good tactical racing from all members of the fleet.
Special mention has to go to Shear Flamboyance helmed by Catherine Tulley and crewed by Chloe Stuart. Not new to the fleet but a new pairing for 2015. Catherine and Chloe certainly made her presence known on the last race of the day leaving the fleet effortlessly behind crossing the finishing line by a good leg. If this performance is anything to go by the fleet need to watch out for this Shear Flamboyant style of racing this season!
Sunday brought the fleet lighter conditions than preferred paired with strong tides. Fuzzy heads were cleared and racing heads applied to deal with the challenges. Conditions kept the fleet on their toes hampering a clean start for the first race with the committee boat having to call the fleet back for a general restart. After a fresh start the fleet knuckled under and with a well laid course put the reaching skills of the fleet into play for all three races.
So after a hard fought battle against the elements the final results were cast. In third place Alan Howland and Rob Britton on Alley Cat, in second place Shaun Allen and Holly Parker on Carbon Footprint and in first place Nigel Stuart and Sarah Stuart on CROWNS.
Thank you again to Minnis Bay Sailing Club for hosting a well loved event in the Shearwater TT sailing calandar.
Stone TT 25th/26th April
The Shearwater Fleet arrived at Stone Sailing Club with 12 boats from our fleet. The morning before the first race saw last minute prep after the winter break with each boat in true shearwater fashion helping out each other to get everyone on the water on time for the 1230 start. Helms and crews were reunited. In quite a few cases new helms withnew crews teamed up and tentatively got to grips with their vessels to do battle. You could see everyone was itching to see the fruition of their own maintenance programs during the winter. Mentions could be said for all boats but I think we can all agree a special mention to the Wiseman clan for the efforts put into Caned and Unable.
The weather for the weekend was a mixed bag of conditions ideal for blowing the long winter cob webs away. Saturday handed out good strong gusts with some epic flat water blasting while Sunday's conditions tested the grey matter and choice of sailing attire to battle against the COLD lighter nw winds.
After fearsome battles through 6 races the results to kick the season off were drawn.The top three were as follows. In 3rd place Greg Wilcox and William Stuart, 2nd place Alan Howland and Rob Britton, and in 1st place Roger Crooks and Anna Allen.
A huge thank you has to go Stone Sailing Club for being such fantastic hosts. Brilliant hospitality from everyone including the Race Committee team, the bar staff and the Galley staff. Looking forward to seeing you all in August for the Shearwater Nationals 2015.
On a closing note a huge good luck and all the best to Del and Claire on their adventures for the next 5 years sailing on Red Rooster. We very much look forward to seeing you again safe and sound having a good old sing song to celebrate your return.